
Friday, September 20, 2013

Manajemen Rantai Suplai

Manajemen Rantai Suplai
(Supply Chain Management)

A.    Latar Belakang
Pelaku industri mulai sadar bahwa untuk menyediakan produk yang murah, berkualitas dan cepat, perbaikan di internal perusahaan manufaktur adalah tidak cukup. Peran serta supplier, perusahaan transportasi dan jaringan distributor adalah dibutuhkan.Kesadaran akan adanya produk yang murah, cepat dan berkualitas inilah yang melahirkan konsep baru tahun 1990-an yaitu Supply Chain Manajement ( SCM )

B.     Pengertian
·         Supply Chain
Rantai suplai atau supply chain adalah jaringan perusahaan-perusahaan yang secara bersama-sama bekerja untuk menciptakan dan menghantarkan suatu produk ke tangan pemakai akhir. Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut termasuk supplier, pabrik, distributor, toko atau ritel, serta perusahaan pendukung seperti jasa logistik.

·         Supply Chain Management
Rantai suplai manajemen (supply chain management) adalah metode, alat atau pendekatan pengelolaannya. Namun perlu ditekankan bahwa SCM menghendaki pendekatan atau metode yang terintegrasi dengan dasar semangat kolaborasi.
Menurut Kalakota (2000, h198) Manajemen Rantai Suplai adalah koordinasi dari bahan, informasi dan arus keuangan antara perusahaan yang berpartisipasi. Manajemen rantai suplai bisa juga berarti seluruh jenis kegiatan komoditas dasar hingga penjualan produk akhir ke konsumen untuk mendaur ulang produk yang sudah dipakai.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Seven Basic Tools of Quality is a designation given to a fixed set of graphical techniques identified as being most helpful in troubleshooting issues related to quality.[1] They are called basic because they are suitable for people with little formal training in statistics and because they can be used to solve the vast majority of quality-related issues.[2]
The seven tools are:[3][4][5]
The designation arose in postwar Japan, inspired by the seven famous weapons of Benkei.[6] It was possibly introduced by Kaoru Ishikawa who in turn was influenced by a series of lectures W. Edwards Deming had given to Japanese engineers and scientists in 1950.[7] At that time, companies that had set about training their workforces in statistical quality control found that the complexity of the subject intimidated the vast majority of their workers and scaled back training to focus primarily on simpler methods which suffice for most quality-related issues.[8]
The Seven Basic Tools stand in contrast to more advanced statistical methods such as survey samplingacceptance samplingstatistical hypothesis testingdesign of experimentsmultivariate analysis, and various methods developed in the field of operations research.[9]




Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of an interconnected or interlinked between network, channel and node businesses involved in the provision of product and service packages required by the end customers in a supply chain.[2] Supply chain management spans the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption. It is also defined as the "design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand and measuring performance globally."[3]
SCM draws heavily from the areas of operations managementlogisticsprocurement, and information technology, and strives for an integrated approach.[4]