
Thursday, January 12, 2012


Top of Form

A.    Understanding the Environment

Understanding the environment is everything that is around people who influenced the development of human life, either directly or indirectly. The environment can be divided into biotic and abiotic environment. Examples of the biotic environment is humans, animals, plants. While the abiotic environment are inanimate objects such as air, soil, water, tables, chairs, and so forth.

B.     Understanding the Environment

According to Law no. 23, 1997, the environment is the unity of space and unity with all living things including man and his behavior that establishes the livelihoods and well-being of humans and other living creatures.

The elements of the environment can be divided into three, namely:

a.       Biological elements (biotic)
Elements of biological (biotic), namely environmental elements that consist of living beings, like humans, animals, plants, and microorganisms.

b.      Social and Cultural Elements
Socio-cultural elements, namely the social and cultural environment that is man-made system of values, ideas, and beliefs in behavior as social beings. Community life can be achieved thanks to the regularity of a system of values ​​and norms that are recognized and adhered to by all members of society.
c.       Physical elements (Abiotic)
Elements of physical (abiotic), namely environmental elements that consist of non-living objects, such as land, water, air, climate, and others. The existence of the physical environment is very large role for the survival of all life on earth.

C.     Environmental Pollution

            Pollution is entered or the inclusion of living things, substances, or energy and other components into the water, soil or air. Pollution can also mean changing the order of (composition) of water, soil or air by human activities and natural processes, so the quality of water, soil or air may be less or no longer functions in accordance with destining.
To prevent pollution to the environment by various industrial activities and human activities, it is necessary to control of environmental pollution by setting environmental quality standards.
Pollution to the environment may occur anywhere with a very fast rate, and an increasingly heavy burden of pollution caused by industrial waste from a variety of chemicals including heavy metals.
Environmental pollution can be categorized into:
• Pollution of water
• Air Pollution
• Pollution of soil
• Heavy metal pollution

 Water Pollution

            Water pollution is a change in a state of water reservoirs such as lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater caused by human activity. Lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater is an important part in human life cycle and is one part of the hydrologic cycle. Apart from water draining also stream sediment and pollutants. Various kinds of function is very helpful to human life. The largest utilization of lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater is for irrigation agriculture, raw drinking water, as rain water drainage and sewage, and even the actual potential as a tourist attraction.

Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.. also resulted in major changes to water quality, this is not considered a pollution.
Water pollution is a major global problem that requires evaluation and revision of water resources policies at all levels (from international to private water sources and wells). It has been said that pousi water is the world's leading cause for death and disease, and recorded the deaths of more than 14,000 people every day.

An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to toilets, and 1,000 Indian children die of diarrheal diseases every day. Approximately 90% of Chinese cities suffer from water pollution to a certain extent, and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking water. Plus in addition to water pollution is an acute problem in developing countries, industrialized countries / forward still struggling with the problem of pollution as well. In the most recent national report on water quality in the United States, 45 percent of assessed river miles, 47 percent of assessed lake acres, and 32 percent of assessed bay and estuarine square miles are classified as polluted.

Water is usually called polluted when disturbed by anthropogenic contaminants and when he could not support human life, such as drinking water, and / or a marked shift in its ability to support constituent biotic communities, such as fish. Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and ecological status of water.

Water pollution can be caused by many things and have different characteristics.

·         Increased nutrient content can lead to eutrophication.
·         Organic waste such as sewage water (Sewage) causes increased oxygen demand on the receiving water leading to the decrease of oxygen that could have a serious impact on the entire ecosystem.
·         Industrial throw wide range of pollutants into the wastewater such as heavy metals, organic toxins, oils, nutrients and solids. Waste water has a thermal effect, especially those issued by power plants, which can also reduce oxygen in water.
·         Like who mill effluents flowing into rivers like the river Citarum.
·          Water pollution by garbage.

The impact because of water pollution are as follows:

• Can cause flooding
• Erosion
• Lack of water source
• Can create a source of disease
• Landslide
• May damage the river ecosystem
• Loss for Fishermen

  Air Pollution
Air pollution is the presence of one or more physical substance, chemical, or biological in the atmosphere in the amount that could endanger human health, animals, and plants, disrupting the aesthetics and comfort, or property damage.
Air pollution can be caused by natural sources and human activity. Some definitions of physical disorders such as noise pollution, heat, radiation or light pollution is considered as air pollution. The nature of the air can cause air pollution impact is direct and local, regional, and global.
In recent years growing concern about the effects of air pollution emissions within a global context and its relationship to global warming (global warming) is influenced by:
 Human activities, such as:
• Transportation
• Industry
• The power plant
• Combustion (fireplaces, stoves, furnaces, [incinerator] with various types of fuel
• exhaust gas factories that produce harmful gases such as (CFC)

 Natural Resources
• Volcanoes
• Swamps
• Forest fires
• Nitrification and denitrification biological
 Other sources
• Transport of ammonia
• Leakage of chlorine tank
• generation of methane gas from Uruk land / waste landfills
• Steam organic solvents
The types of air pollution:
• Carbon monoxide
• Oxides of nitrogen
• Oxides of sulfur
• Hydrocarbons
• Ozone
• Volatile Organic Compounds
• Particulate

Impact of Air Pollution
a. Impact of air pollution on health
The substance contained in air pollutants can enter the body through the respiratory system. Away the penetration of contaminants into the body depends on the type of pollutant. Large amounts of suspended particulates in the upper respiratory tract, whereas small-sized particulates and gases can reach the lungs. From the lungs, pollutants are absorbed by the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.
The most common health effects encountered were ISNA (upper respiratory infection), including, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. Several pollutants classified as toxic and carcinogenic.
estimate the impact of air pollution in Jakarta is associated with premature mortality, hospital admissions, reduced working days effective, and ISNA in 1998 worth 1.8 trillion rupiah and will rise to 4.3 trillion rupiah in 2015.
b. Impact of air pollution on plants
Plants that grow in areas with high air pollution levels can be stunted and prone to diseases, including chlorosis, necrosis, and black spots. Particulate deposited on plant surfaces may inhibit the process of photosynthesis.
c. Acid rain
normal pH of rainwater is 5.6 because of the CO2 in the atmosphere. Air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2 reacts with water to form acid rain and lowering the pH of rain water. The impact of acid rain include:
• Affect the quality of surface water
• Damaging crops
• Dissolves heavy metals contained in the soil thus affecting the quality of groundwater and surface water
• Characteristically corrosive and damage materials and building
d. The greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect is caused by the presence of CO2, CFCs, methane, ozone, and N2O in the troposphere that absorbs solar heat radiation reflected by the earth's surface. As a result, the heat trapped in the troposphere and causing global warming phenomenon.
The impact of global warming are:
• Melting of ice in the polar
• regional and global climate change
• Changes in the life cycle of flora and fauna
e. Damage to the ozone layer
Ozone layer in the stratosphere (20-35 km altitude) is a natural protector of the earth that serves to filter ultraviolet B radiation from the sun. The formation and decomposition of ozone molecules (O3) occurs naturally in the stratosphere. Emissions of CFCs reach the stratosphere is very stable and cause the rate of decomposition of ozone molecules faster than its formation, thus forming the holes in the ozone layer.
 Soil Pollution
Contamination of land is a state where man-made chemicals enter and alter the natural soil environment. Contamination usually occurs due to leakage of liquid wastes or industrial chemicals or commercial facilities; the use of pesticides; the entry of contaminated surface water into the sub-surface layer; accident vehicle transporting oil, chemicals, or waste, waste water from a landfill and industrial wastes are directly discharged into the soil are not eligible (illegal dumping).
When a substance is hazardous / toxic have polluted the soil surface, so it can evaporate, and the rain washed away or into the ground. Pollution that enters the soil and then deposited as toxic chemicals in soil. Toxic substances in the soil may have a direct impact to humans when in contact or can contaminate groundwater and the air above it.

Chronic exposure (flooding) to benzene at a certain concentration can increase the chances of developing leukemia.
Impact of Soil Pollution
a. Impact on health
The impact of soil pollution on health depends on the type of pollutant, pathway into the body and the vulnerability of affected populations. Chromium, a wide range of pesticides and herbicides are carcinogenic to all populations. Lead is very dangerous in children, because it can cause brain damage, and kidney damage in the entire population. Kuri (mercury) and siklodiena known to cause kidney damage, some can not even be treated. PCBs and related siklodiena on liver toxicity. Organophosphates and karmabat can cause the neuromuscular disorder. Various solvents containing chlorine stimulates changes in the liver and kidneys and a decrease in the central nervous system. There are several types of health effects that looked like headache, dizziness, fatigue, eye irritation and skin rashes to exposure to chemicals mentioned above. What is clear, in large doses, soil contamination can cause death.
b. Impacts on ecosystems
Soil contamination can also impact on ecosystems. Changes in soil chemical radicals can arise from the presence of toxic chemicals / hazardous even at low doses though. These changes can cause changes in metabolism of endemic microorganisms and arthropods that live in the soil environment. The result can even eliminate some of the primary species of the food chain, which can give a great result against predators or other levels of the food chain. Even if the chemical effects on the lowest form of life is low, the bottom of the food pyramid can ingest foreign chemicals which time they will be concentrated on the creatures of the inhabitants of the pyramid. Many of these effects are seen at this time, as the concentration of DDT in birds causes the fragile eggshell, tillers increased mortality rates and the possible loss of species.
c. Impact on agriculture
The impact on agriculture, especially changes in plant metabolism, which in turn can cause a decrease in agricultural output. This can cause further impact on the conservation of plants where the plants are not able to hold the soil from erosion. Some of these contaminants have long half-life and in other cases derivative chemicals are formed from the primary soil contaminants.
Handling is done
a. Remediation
Remediation activities to clean up the contaminated soil surface. There are two types of soil remediation, namely in-situ (or on-site) and ex-situ (or off-site). On-site cleaning is cleaning at the site. Cleaning is cheaper and easier, consists of cleaning, venting (injection), and bioremediation.
Off-site cleanup includes excavation of contaminated soil and then taken to a safe area. After that the area is safe, the land cleared of contaminants. The trick is, the ground is stored in tanks / tank-proof, then the cleaning agent is pumped into the tub / tank. Furthermore pollutants pumped out of the tub which is then processed by the installation of waste water processing. Off-site cleaning is much more expensive and complicated.
b. Bioremediation
Bioremediation is the cleaning process soil contamination with microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). Bioremediation aims to break down or degrade contaminants into less toxic materials or non-toxic (carbon dioxide and water). According to Dr. Muhibuddin Anton, one of the microorganisms that serve as bioremediation is arbuskular vesicular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM). VAM fungi can contribute directly or indirectly in soil remediation. Direct role, because of its ability to absorb metal elements from the soil and contribute indirectly stimulate the growth of microorganisms as bioremediation, such as certain bacteria, fungi and so on.

D. Environmental Damage (especially in Indonesia)
Based on the causes, forms of environmental degradation can be divided into two types, namely:
1. Forms of Environmental Damage Due to Natural Events
Various forms of natural disasters lately much struck Indonesia has caused environmental damage impact. Enormity of the tsunami waves that devastated the Terrace of Mecca and Nias, as well as the Ritcher scale earthquake that leveled 5 DIY and the surrounding area, are examples of natural phenomena in an instant can change the form of the earth.
Other natural events that impact on environmental degradation, among others:
a. Volcanic eruptions
Volcanic eruption occurs because magma activity in the bowels of the earth that give rise to strong pressure out through the top of the volcano. The danger posed by volcanic eruptions such as:
1) The rain of volcanic ash, causing respiratory problems.
2) Lava hot, destructive, and turn off anything that passed.
3) Hot clouds, can kill living creatures that pass.
4) The gas is toxic.
5) solid material (rock, gravel, sand), can override housing, and others.
b. Earthquake
An earthquake is the vibration of the earth's crust that can be caused by several things, among them the activities of magma (volcanic activity), the land falls, as well as movement of the plate in the bottom of the ocean. Humans can measure how the intensity of the earthquake, but the man is utterly unable to predict when an earthquake.
Therefore, the hazards posed by earthquakes more devastating than the eruption of the volcano. At the time of the earthquake lasted several events occurred as a result of direct or indirect, including:
1. Various buildings have collapsed.
2. Broke ground on the earth's surface, the path to be broken.
3. Landslides caused by shocks.
4. Flooding, due to damage to the embankment.
5. An earthquake in the sea floor can cause a tsunami (tidal wave).
c. Hurricane
Hurricanes occur due to the flow of air from high pressure areas to the low pressure region.
This air pressure difference occurs because the air temperature differences are striking. Hurricanes attack for countries in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean are common place. For areas in the region of California, Texas, until in the Asia such as Korea and Taiwan, the danger of a catastrophic hurricane season. But for the new Indonesia was felt in mid-2007. This suggests that climate change has taken place in Indonesia that is not caused by the phenomenon of global warming.
Dangers of hurricanes can be predicted through satellite photos depicting the state of Earth's atmosphere, including an image formation of hurricanes, direction, and speed. Attacks hurricanes (cyclones) can cause environmental damage in the form:
1. Tear down the building.
2. Damage to agricultural land and plantations.
3. Endanger the flight.
4. Cause large waves that can sink the ship.
2. Environmental damage due to Human Factors
Humans as ruler of the environment on earth plays a major role in determining the sustainability of the environment. Human beings as creatures of God who understands the world could change the face of the pattern of simple life forms down to modern life what it is today. But unfortunately, is often what people do not offset by thinking about the future life of the next generation. Much progress was achieved by humans bring adverse impacts on environmental sustainability.
Some forms of environmental degradation due to human factors, among others:
a) The occurrence of pollution (pollution of air, water, soil, and voice) as the impact of the industrial area.
b) The occurrence of floods, as the impact of poor drainage or sewerage system and errors in keeping the watershed and the impacts of forest destruction.
c) The occurrence of landslides, as a direct result of the destruction of the forest.

Some human actions are either directly or indirectly have an impact on environmental degradation, among others:
a) Illegal logging of forests (deforestation).
b) Poaching.
c) Destructive mangroves.
d) Stockpiling swamps for settlement.
e) Disposal of waste in any place.
f) Building logging in the watershed (DAS).
g) Utilization of natural resources beyond the limits of excess.

E. Environmental Protection Efforts in Sustainable Development
Preserving the environment is a necessity that can not be postponed again and not just the responsibility of government or heads of state only, but the responsibility of every human being on earth, from toddlers to seniors. Each person must make an effort to save the environment around us in accordance with their respective capacities. Slightest effort we are doing is very beneficial for the realization of the habitable earth for future generations of children and grandchildren.
Government efforts to achieve a just and prosperous life for its people without causing environmental damage should be followed up by establishing sustainable development programs which are often referred to as the environmentally sound development.
Environmentally sound development is an attempt to improve the quality of people is gradually having regard to environmental factors. Environmentally sound development known as Sustainable Development. The concept of sustainable development is an agreement of the Earth Summit in Rio de Jeniro 1992. It contains two important ideas, namely:
a) The idea of ​​the needs, particularly the basic human needs to sustain life.
b) The idea of ​​limitations, the limited ability of the environment to meet the needs of both the present and the future.
The characteristics of Sustainable Development are as follows:
a) Ensure equity and fairness.
b) Valuing biodiversity.
c) Using an integrative approach.
d) Using the long-term view.
In the current period of reform, national development is no longer based on the Guidelines of State Policy implemented and Propenas, but based on Law no. 25 of 2000, the National Development Planning System (SPPN).
National Development Planning System has the objective of which:
• Ensure the achievement of efficient use of resources, effective, equitable, and sustainable.
• Optimize public participation.
• Ensure linkages and consistency between planning, budgeting, implementation, and supervision.
1. Conservation efforts of the Government to Do
Government as the agency responsible for the welfare of its people have a great responsibility in the effort to think and realize the establishment of environmental preservation. The things done by the government include:
a. Removing the Basic Agrarian Law No.. 5 of 1960 which regulates the Land Use.
b. Publishes Law. 4 of 1982, concerning Basic Provisions of Environmental Management.
c. Government Regulation No. impose. 24 In 1986, the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment).
d. In 1991, the government established the Environmental Management Agency, with the main objectives:
• Tackling the pollution case.
• Supervise hazardous and toxic materials (B3).
• Conduct assessment of environmental impact assessment (EIA).
• The government launched a movement to plant a million trees.

2. Environmental Protection Efforts by the Joint Community Government
As good citizens, the community must have a high concern about the preservation of the environment around it in accordance with their respective capabilities.
Some efforts can dilakuklan community related to environmental conservation, among others:
a. Preservation of land (flat land, sloping land / hills)
The occurrence of landslides and floods shows events related to land issues. Flooding has caused soil erosion by water flow is called erosion affecting loss of soil fertility and soil erosion from the earth's surface. Landslides are caused because there was no element that holds soil in place, giving rise to damage. If it is allowed to continue, it is not impossible if the environment is turned into a barren desert. Soil conservation efforts can be done by encouraging the planting of trees or reforestation (afforestation) against the original bare soil. For hilly or mountainous land position needs to be built sloping terraces or sengkedan, so as to inhibit the rate of flow of rain water.
b. Preservation of air
The air is a vital element for life, because every organism requires air to breathe. You know that the air contained in a wide variety of gases, one of oxygen.
The air is dirty because of dust or smoke residue causes reduced oxygen levels. This situation is very dangerous to the survival of every organism. It needs to be pursued tips to keep fresh air in the environment to keep them clean, fresh, and healthy. Efforts that can be done to keep the air clean and healthy include:
1. Promote the planting of trees or ornamental plants around us. Plants can absorb gases that are harmful to humans. Plants are able to produce oxygen through photosynthesis. Destruction of forests causes millions of lost crops so that the production of oxygen to the atmosphere is much reduced, in addition, plants also release water vapor, so the humidity will remain intact.
2. Seek to reduce emissions or combustion exhaust gas, both burning of forests and burning engine exhaust fumes coming out of the vehicle and chimneys are the largest contributor to dirty air in urban and industrial areas. One of the efforts to reduce emissions of harmful gases into the air is to use industrial materials that are safe for the environment, as well as the installation of filters on smokestacks.
3. Reduce or even avoid the use of chemical gases that can damage the ozone layer in the atmosphere of freon gas used for cooling the air conditioner and refrigerator and used in various cosmetic products, is a gas that can bersenyawa with ozone gas, thus resulting in shrinking ozone layer. Ozone layer is a layer in the atmosphere that acts as a filter for the earth, because it can reflect ultraviolet rays back into space emitted by the sun. Excessive ultraviolet rays will damage skin tissue and cause increased air temperature. Global warming happens in between because of the increasing depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere.

c. Preservation of forests
Forest exploitation takes place continuously since the first until now without any offset by replanting, causing the forests to be destroyed. Illegal logging by humans is one of the main causes of forest destruction. Padahal sustainability of the forest is the sustainer of life on earth, because forests not only provide food and materials production materials, but also producing oxygen, retaining soil, and keep a backup of water.
Efforts can be done to preserve the forest:
• Afforestation or reforestation of deforested.
• Prohibit deforestation arbitrarily.
• Implement system of selective cutting in the cutting down of trees.
• Implement cutting-cropping system in logging activities.
• Implement severe sanctions for those who violate the provision of forest management.
d. Marine and coastal conservation
Like the forests, the sea as well as a natural resource potential. Damage to marine life and beaches are caused due to human activity. Decision-sand beaches, coral in the sea, the destruction of mangrove forests, is kegatan human activities that threaten the sustainability of ocean and beach. The occurrence of abrasion that threaten the sustainability of the coast has caused the loss of mangrove forests around the coast which is a natural protector against the onslaught of the waves.
The effort to preserve the ocean and the beach can be done by:
• Performing reclamation with replant mangroves in the area around the beach.
• Prohibit taking rocks around the coast or on the seabed, because the reef is a habitat for fish and marine plants.
• Prohibit the use of explosives and other chemicals in fishing.
• Prohibit the use of trawling to find fish.
e. Preservation of flora and fauna
Life on earth is a system of interdependence between humans, animals, plants, and natural surroundings. Dissolution of one link of the system will result in disruptions in life.
Therefore, the preservation of flora and fauna is an absolute attention for the sake of human survival. Efforts that can be done to preserve the flora and fauna include:
• Establishing nature reserves and wildlife reserves.
• Prohibit poaching activities.
• Promote reforestation activities.


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